Family Favorites Cookbook Click here to jump to Cookbook Contents. COMPILED BY Linda Love Philhower From recipes submitted by the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Charlie and Lula Breazeale. ![]() ![]() Ever since humans first discovered fire, cooking has been adding to the enjoyment of life. Realistically, cooking may have been the first dramatic improvement in the quality of life invented by humans. From that dawning glimmer, an entire spectrum of means and methods have evolved. Today, it can be as crude as tossing a whole goyana carcass on an open fire in the outback of Australia, or as fancy as the seven course cuisine of a five star restaurant. All are savored by those waiting in anticipation, and all require special skills to prepare. For this reason, in every group, a good cook holds a place of high esteem, whether it's around the chuck wagon or firehouse, in a popular supper club, or just down the hall. Cooking is one of the finest expressions of a loving heart. It is the factor that makes home feel like home, be it a campsite or a castle. Dr. Venice Bloodworth has declared that 'thinking is the true business of life'. While that may be one of the great truisms, cooking certainly ranks in the top three or four human activities that bring fundamental pleasure to life. Every woman knows that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. This adage is universally accepted because men like their creature comforts and primary pleasures. A fine and willing cook is a real treasure on his hearth. This sentiment is passed along by the grandmothers of the world in the ancient proverb, "Kissin' don't last, cookin' do". Cooking is a powerful magnet that draws people together. Around the world, significant events are celebrated with feasts and the sharing of food. Jesus thought it was important for His last meeting with His disciples. Often the celebratory event is simply the gathering of kindred spirits, to spend some time renewing bonds, retelling stories, and taking delight in the excellent dishes brought by each. And that, of course, is why we are here...the excellent dishes brought by each. Every time the Breazeale family decides to get together, some of the finest dishes ever made appear, as if by magic. The Breazeale Family Favorites Cookbook was developed because the countless great cooks of our clan couldn't swap all the wonderful recipes they have between them. There were just too many, with more coming out every year. So, they pooled them, published the book, and now they are available here for the world to enjoy. So, we invite you to come here often and share in our abundance. Go to your kitchen, prepare a scrumptious meal, and enjoy it with family and friends. They will love you for it, and probably won't even miss the roasted goyana carcass one bit. Webmaster's Note: It's ironic that writing the introduction to this section has fallen to the one in this clan who knows the least about cooking. The only saving grace is that he is a proven master at consuming the finest efforts of those who do, a fact, of course, that makes him emminently qualified for the task. The cookbook is completed, but only a couple of the links below have had the sections uploaded. Once all the sections have been uploaded, the true value of this format will be realized, in that we can add to it ad infinitum. |
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