
This article was taken from a newspaper clipping found in the files of the Roane County Heritage Commission. The newspaper that published it has not been determined. The article is dated May 30, 1938. Click here to see the article as it appeared in 1938.

Bush Breazeale Taking
No Chances on Funeral

Kingston, May 30 -
      Bewhiskered Felix Bush Breazeale, 74-year-old farmer out in the Cave Creek section, is creating quite a wide stir as he goes about getting ready for his "funeral" June 26.
      They're sending down some radio singers from Chattanooga to take part, and the preacher is coming from Illinois. Bush is having a program printed and expects the crowd to send flowers just as if he were really dead already.
      The coffin is ready. Bush made it himself out of a walnut tree that grew back of his home in Wolfe Creek Valley. That was what gave Bush the idea of staging his funeral while he could still appreciate it. People around here made such a fuss about his carving his own coffin that he decided to give them a real show.
      Bush lives on a small old-age pension and is pretty spry for a man who'll attend his own funeral next month. He rides a mule to the country store, chops firewood and works in his garden. But already there are signs that Bush's days are numbered-not long ago, for instance, he missed a fox at 100 yards with his old hog rifle.
      Bush still courts a little. His girl is Miss Melvina Ervin, a childhood sweetheart. Bush never has gotten married. He just doesn't have any faith in women. "Sort of like preachers, you know," he explains.

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